I could walk in circles around my house for 10 minutes and she would be right behind me. I can call her name from any room I am in and she will come running. If I’m sitting at the table she is at my feet. If I am on the couch she is by my side. She is Molly, my sweet, beautiful, loyal cocker spaniel pup. The loyalty of a dog to her human is a picture of what our relationship to Jesus should look like. You see, Molly is loyal and obedient to me because I provide for her needs. I provide for her physical needs like food, shelter and grooming. I provide for her emotional needs with love, play and discipline. She follows me, longs to be where I am and sits at my feet out of a heart of love and devotion. I can’t help but question whether or not I am as devoted to my master as Molly is to hers. Am I following wherever He leads me or I am trying to go my own way? Can I hear His voice when He calls me, do I know it’s Him? Am I spending enough time at His feet with my heart and mind completely fixed on Him? I want to say yes, yes, YES!, but sometimes I am more like Molly when she sneaks out of the front door. She gets so excited about being in the outside world that she runs without abandon and pays no attention to my calls. She chases squirrels, birds and sometimes cars. She rolls in the leaves and gets muddy digging holes. It appears as though she doesn’t even remember me or the things she has been taught! That’s what happens to us when we get out in the world sometimes too. Maybe we get caught up in the excitement of the moment or get bogged down with distractions. Maybe we just feel like we are being dragged through the mud. All it takes to bring us back is to fix our eyes on the master once again and when we do we will see that He is all that we need. He alone can provide for us physically, emotionally and spiritually. Knowing and believing that will allows us to rest comfortably at His feet, safe and secure once more.
You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. Jeremiah 29:13
Be still and know that I am God! Psalm 46:10

My eyes are continually toward the Lord, for He will pluck my feet out of the net. Psalm 25:15